Embracing Imperfection

You don’t have to have it all figured out to get started. 

As I was getting ready one morning, I was thinking about the reasons why so many people wait to invest in their future.  What came to me was that we think we have to have everything just right. 

“When I make more money, then I will…”

“ When I pay off my debt then…”

“When I have more time then I will…”

Well, I’ll let you in on a little secret….

You don’t have to have it all figured out to get started. 

Oftentimes taking the first or next step before you think you are ready will start a chain reaction of the other things falling into place. 

When it comes to money, you don’t have to wait to be debt-free, have the perfect budget, or track all your spending down to the nickel before investing in the long term.

Remember life is a progression, a journey of growth and improvement.

If you wait until everything is just right, you’ll already be dead. 

 Make your move. 

Make the call, and start putting your money somewhere that you can leverage compound interest. Let time work for you because time is the great multiplier. As your money compounds, it will eventually take on a life of its own. 

Meanwhile, you will continue to get more dialed in on all other aspects of your finances. In fact, when you know you have a power play working for your future, you just begin to handle your present money with more mindfulness, then a little more, and a little more.

The progression continues…

Universal laws that apply to energy also apply to money.  Taking action is powerful because it tells the universe and your subconscious that YOU ARE READY!

Don’t get stuck in the thinking and feeling part.  Take action and get your ball rolling.  Overcoming that initial point of friction is the hardest part, then you have momentum working in your favor.

This is how you bring the future into the present.

I encourage you to position yourself from a place of love for the future version of yourself. 

What will the woman you will become 10, 20, or 30 years

from now want you to do today?

What will she tell you?


From Money Stress to Self-Love: My Financial Awakening